Saturday 17 November 2012

This simple statement triggered an avalanche of thoughts

Written by Linda Gauthier

I was flipping through pages and then I saw this simple statement sitting all alone and I found myself making lists.  Then I started to wonder what would your list be?  In this "hurry, hurry" world, we sometimes forget to be thankful for the small things in life and take pleasure in what is all around us. 
With the holiday season fast approaching, it is easy to get caught up in the rush, and forget what it is all about.  This year, I am determined to enjoy my friends and family, to enjoy the moments, the lights, the laughter and the music.  Maybe if we all had the opportunity to just slow down, be thankful for the little things and not buy into the commercialism of it all, we would find the childlike joy that we, as adults, have lost and remember what it means to be happy and satisfied in the moment. 


Here are some of my entries on my Happiness list:

  1. walking along the railway tracks in the rain
  2. listening to the sound of the robins when the rain has stopped and evening is falling
  3. the way the sky looks when the wind is still down close to the earth, but the sky has these wispy clouds racing across the blue
  4. laying in the deep grass on a hot summer day, listening to the crickets
  5. sitting beside the ocean, eyes closed, listening to the lapping of the waves on the shore, feeling the warm sun on your face
  6. the sound of crickets in the late summer heat
  7. watching a dragonfly dance across the pond 
  8. the smell of a baby's head
  9. sleeping in the gazebo on a hot summer night
  10. curled up under blankets in the gazebo, listening to the rain pitter-patter on the canvas in early spring
  11. the smell of fresh-baked bread
  12. The feel of soft wet clay between my toes on the edge of a river
  13. the crackle of a bonfire
  14. the laughter of my children as they played outside our window
  15. the sound of owls at night calling to each other
  16. the laughter of kids at dusk as they chase flying ants
  17. the giggles of kids as they have a sleepover in the backyard
  18. a leftover turkey sandwich, on white squishy bread with cranberries and mayo late at night after all the excitement of Christmas day 
  19. curled up together watching a movie and listening to the house settle down, kids asleep
  20. the smell of cinnamon and coffee
  21. the smell of fresh cut grass and newly turned soil in the spring garden
  22. the smell of a fresh-cut Christmas tree
  23. the wonderful smell of a freshly peeled orange
  24. the feel of a brisk winter wind on my face
  25. the sound of ice skates, as they slice into the ice of an outdoor rink
  26. the squeak of boots trudging through the snow
  27. the sight of kids sledding down hills on anything they can turn into a sleigh
  28. being an adult and flopping down and making a snow angel in my front yard in front of the neighbors, with my best friend
  29. the pride I felt when my husband returned from sea after a long tour
  30. the sweet taste of a tomato picked fresh off the vine, still warm from the sun
  31. the joy you feel when a puppy licks your face, pleased with himself and smelling of puppy breath.  All of these and more are things that make me happy
I could go on and on, I won't, but I will ask you to make your own list and to take joy in making it.  Try to truly remember things when you have felt totally free and happy, don't keep them locked away bring them out and enjoy them, look at them and share them.
What are yours?  Leave me a comment and let me know some of the things that touch your heart and soul.

Speaking of happiness, today is the day I go to the scale so let's see what today brings.

Wow!! I honestly thought I had not lost anything this week.  In fact, I was thinking I'd gained, but I'm down another 3.2 lbs, for a total of 27 lbs gone since September 1st.  I feel a happy dance coming on.

I have only found one drawback to this loss, but it is not one I truly consider a drawback.  This drawback is that now I have to start doing some adjustments to my clothes.  So todays project is getting the sewing room set up for a mass reconstruction of clothes.  Don't think the look of pants hanging off my butt with the underwear above the waistband and the baseball cap on backwards is meant for the Grandma types, no matter how young they feel.  What do you think?  What about Old Lady Rapper Style?

Mabel says No!!!

And now for this week's menu:

Enjoy, and I'll talk to you soon. Slow down smell the coffee, and please send me your lists I'd love to hear what little things bring you joy.

Talk to you soon.

1 comment:

  1. No. 28 is near and dear to my heart xo

    I agree with Mabel! Keep up the good work my dear.
